About Cyprus

Good to know - General

  • Cyprus is a mediterianian island with more than 300 days sunshine per year.
  • Water quality all arround the island is very good.
  • Crime rate is very low in Cyprus, making it one of the safest places in the world to live.
  • Archaeological evidence suggests that people first lived on the island of Cyprus 10,000 years ago
  • Cyprus is known as ‘the playground of the gods’, and for good reason too! Aphrodite is said to have risen out of the water near Paphos.
  • 371 species of birds can be seen on the island of Cyprus. Most are migratory birds and are seen during spring and autumn.
  • Cyprus is home to 20 rare species of orchid. 6 of them can be found only in Cyprus
  • Around 10,000 Greater Flamingos temporarily stop over to feed at the salt lakes near Larnaca Airport every autumn during their migration south to warmer climes.
  • There are more than 1,950 species of flowering plants in Cyprus, 140 of which are found nowhere else in the world.
  • 260 species of fish circle the warm Mediterranean waters around Cyprus.
  • Cyprus is one of only a few places in the world where Green Turtles & Loggerhead Turtles nest.
  • More than 45 beaches on Cyprus have been awarded the EU Blue Flag for cleanliness and safety.

Good to know - North only

  • Foreign investors in the North can do interntional business with an company and pays only 2% tax. 
  • Northern Cyprus has been voted one of the healthiest destinations in Europe.
  • The beautiful and rugged Karpaz Peninsula is one of the island’s most scenic spots. It is home to several rare animal and plant species, as well as about 500 wild donkeys-